Quotes From "The Creative Habit: Learn It And Use It For Life" By Twyla Tharp

Reading, conversation, environment, culture, heroes, mentors, nature — all are...
Reading, conversation, environment, culture, heroes, mentors, nature — all are lottery tickets for creativity. Scratch away at them and you’ll find out how big a prize you’ve won. Twyla Tharp
In every situation, at the beginning or end of the workday, you have a choice. You can look back or you can look forward. My advice: look forward. Always think about the next day. Don't go into the studio thinking, 'Hmmm, let's see what I was doing yesterday?' It takes more energy to twist yourself around and look back that it does to face forward. Twyla Tharp
Reading is your first line of defense against an empty head. Twyla Tharp
You don’t get lucky without preparation, and there’s no sense in being prepared if you’re not open to the possibility of a glorious accident. Twyla Tharp
When you're in a rut, you have to question everything except your ability to get out of it. Twyla Tharp
Without passion, all the skill in world won't lift you above your craft Twyla Tharp